Sunday, October 5, 2008

Midterm: Review Terms and Essay Topics

The midterm will consist of six ID answers worth ten points each and one essay worth 40 points. Below are 18 possible ID terms, only nine of which will appear on the midterm, and 3 possible essay topics, only tw0 of which will appear on the midterm.

ID Terms:

"A Cross of Gold"

George B. Cortelyou


Great White Fleet

Underwood Tariff

Henry Cabot Lodge

A. Mitchell Palmer

The Dawes Plan

The Wagner Act

The "Court Packing Crisis"

Robert Oppenheimer

Berlin Airlift


"The New Look"

Guatemala, 1954

"A Cross of Iron"

Strategic Hamlets

The Daisy Ad

Essay Topics:

Compare and contrast the domestic policy initiatives Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson, and assess the effectiveness of each.

Compare and contrast the foreign policy initiatives of Theodore Roosevelt and Dwight D. Eisenhower, and assess the effectiveness of each.

Analyze the concept of the "imperial presidency" and describe its evolution during the first two decades of the Cold War (1945-65).

1 comment:

kzal said...

How long do the IDs need to be? Like 2 sentences or more like 4?