Thursday, October 2, 2008

Mailer Quote- Reagan vs. Nixon

"Unlike Nixon, Reagan was altogether at ease with the Press. They had been good to him, they would be good again- he had the confidence of the elected governor of a big state, precisely what Nixon had always lacked; besides, Nixon had long ago incorporated the confidence of an actor who knows he is popular with interviewers" (Mailer p. 71).

I chose this quote because of our discussions in class on the importance of the media, especially when forming a likable image, for all public figures and in this case Mailer's focus on Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. As we discussed in class, Nixon was not known for his media savvy and often looked uncomfortable in front of the camera. In the 1960 Presidential Debates with JFK, viewers and historians said Nixon appeared competent yet overwhelmingly uncomfortable, awkward and pasty in front of the camera. This poor public image of Nixon is still felt today. Mailer also describes Ronald Reagan and his adept ability in his interactions with the Press. Being a former actor, Reagan exuded confidence in front of cameras that would eventually garner him a fine public image during his Presidency in the 1980's.  As we have discussed, the use or misuse of the Press and Media plays a very integral role in the public perception of the modern President, and I believe this quote illustrates both the use and misuse of the Media.

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