Sunday, December 7, 2008

Obama praises Bush efforts against AIDS

Monday, December 01, 2008

By ANN SANNER, Associated Press Writer

CHICAGO — President-elect Barack Obama praised the Bush administration's effort to combat AIDS and pledged Monday to continue to fight the deadly disease when he takes office in January.

Obama discussed AIDS in videotaped remarks to the Saddleback Civil Forum on Global Health held in Washington. The remarks were released Monday while Obama was in Chicago to announce members of his national security team. (See the link below for the rest of the article),4670,ObamaAIDS,00.html

This article details President-Elect Obama's comments on President Bush's work to help eliminate AIDS worldwide. His comments were made on World AIDS Day (Dec. 1). Obama specifically praises Bush's work on providing "antiretroviral treatment to people in sub-Saharan Africa".

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