Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Final Review Terms

Fifteen (15) of the following terms will appear on the final and you will be required to identify ten (10) of them:

"A Time for Choosing" a.k.a. "The Speech"

Operation "Ranch Hand"

Great Society

Eugene McCarthy

Irving Kristol

White House Plumbers


Deep Throat

The Unitary Executive

Camp David Accords

Phyllis Schlafly

"There you go again."

Philadelphia, MS

The Laffer Curve

Trickle Down

Lt. Col. Oliver North

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall."

Willy Horton

Lee Atwater

November 1989

Americans with Disabilities Act

Francis Fukuyama

Samuel Huntington

Anita Hill

James Carville

"Don't Ask. Don't Tell.

Newt Gingrich

Kenneth Starr

"The Turner Diaries"

1995 Government Shutdown

Dick Morris


Linda Tripp

The Brooks Brothers Riot

Kyoto Protocol

August 6, 2001

yellowcake uranium

"Ghost Detainees"


No Child Left Behind

Essay Topics:

Questions based on three (3) of the following topics will appear in the essay section, and you will be required to write on two (2) of them:

The Imperial Presidency and the Cold War

Politics, media, and scandal: Watergate, Iran-Contra, and the Lewinsky Affair

The Imperial Presidency and the War on Terror

"The personal is political" in American politics

"It's the economy stupid": presidential politics and the economy from Reagan to George W. Bush

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