Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Brandon's blog post: Bush's "Legacy Project"

A number of people have already commented on Bush and AIDS but I thought this article had something interesting specifics:


Especially this:

"In July 2008, Bush signed legislation tripling the program's funds to $48 billion dollars from $15 billion dollars. The new program drops a requirement for one-third of the anti-AIDS funds to be used to promote sexual abstinence and lifts a ban on HIV-positive foreigners entering the United States, which has earned Bush new support from previously unlikely progressive organizations."

Still, the article is careful not to praise Bush for anything else:

"The word is there is an active "Bush Legacy Project" going on right now in the White House led by Karl Rove, who arguably created and bestowed upon the world the 43 president of the United States.

That legacy, at least the positive part of it, is likely to be slim. But it can start with PEPFAR."

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