Friday, November 21, 2008

Gore mentions in his concession that the world community may look at the trouble the US had with deciding the election as a sign of American weakness. His response that the process showed the strength of American democracy in its ability to overcome special circumstances reminded me of the lecture former Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski gave at BU. He recounted a UN conference he was attending while the Florida battle was going on. He said that everyone that got up to speak made a joke about the situation and how hard it was for the US to decide a winner, some criticizing the American election process. He said, however, that when Kofi Annan got up to speak he said something along the lines of this: (not a direct quote)
"In my home country of Ghanna if a week went by without a winner in the election a General would claim the presidency. If two weeks went by, a Colonel would. If three weeks went by, a Major would."

Though I wouldn't expect a military takeover in most countries, especially the US, Gore and Annan's comments really shed light on the issue. Even with all the issues of the right to vote and the political subversion that went on, at least in the portrayal in "Recount", the whole process was ultimately decided with legal courts without massive riots or civil unrest. Was the Florida battle in the 2000 election a demonstration of the flaws in the voting process or was it a show of strength American democracy being controlled by law?

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