This article, published 11/17/00, recaps a bunch of goodies for wannabe political humor wonks - including some of the posts that precede mine - well done, students more diligent than myself, well done [new window].
Also, this being more recent, Katherine Harris commented on her protrayal in Recount, available in this transcript off (as she appeared on the ever-entertaining Hannity and Colmes). It's not really anything you wouldn't expect - obviously the film's portrayal was biased and probably over-the-top, but who doesn't love a good puppet-villian here and there?
Finally (and I do mean finally - this clip is so hard to find, it should be boxed in a vanity case and sold on QVC as the special item of the day), I tracked down one of my favorite SNL political skits - the Bush v Gore First Presidential Debate. doesn't have this available, and they'll be itchin' more than a man with ants down his pants if they find out this little ditty made it past their de-youtubeing-of-NBC-stuff interns. [Thanks go out to Dan Rather for inspiring me with good 'ole southern backwoods talk.]
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