Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Eleanor Roosevelt Quotation

"Touchingly, people told their stories and cited the plans and policies undertaken by my husband that had brought about improvement in their lives. In many cases he had saved them from complete despair" (Roosevelt 279).

I think that this quotation, and America's response to Franklin D. Roosevelt's death, really represents how he was more than a president to many American people. In her autobiography, Eleanor describes the many letters that came to the White House after FDR's passing, and that goes to show how the American people truly felt that Roosevelt was "part of the family." Whether it was his fireside chats, his true interest in the morale of WWII soldiers and their families, or his reforms that led America out of the Great Depression, it is clear that FDR really cared about the people of his country. FDR was a hero to many people. Eleanor also described her numerous trips to check on the morale of the American people; FDR requested that she go on these trips so he would know how people all around the country were doing during the depression and during the war. FDR really kept in touch with what was happening in his country, and many Americans admired him for that.

1 comment:

hannahf said...

"It was the rebuilding of those two qualities in the people of the United States as a whole that made it possible for us to produce as we did in the early days of the war and to go into the most terrible war in our history and win it. So the tow crises that my husband faced were really closely tied together. If he had not successfully handled the one he could never have handled the other, because no leader can do anything unless the people are willing to follow him" (Roosevelt, 279).

This quote demonstrates the type of leadership that FDR possessed. He led the United States through a time of hardship and implemented many new programs that helped transform a nation of down trodden people into hopefully citizens that eventually won WWII. Unlike previous presidents FDR was able to unite the country and inspire hope in every person while dealing with a war on the other side of the continent. This quote shows how FDR expanded the idea of the imperial presidency and acted more then just a person who created legislation. He saved Americans from going farther into the depression.